Review 5/22/2008
After spending 18 years in the education industry, I have found several truths about society and people. One of which is that some people will fail even when they are handed the answers. I attended the College of Automotive Management last year. I found the pace of the classes and the inofrmation flow to be eaqual to the courses that I completed in University. The instructor was top quality and the actual president of the college was available constantly. How many other colleges allow you non-appointment acces to their leadership for seemingly trivial questions... NONE! I graduated on a friday and sent out resume packets on the same day. By the following Monday I had 12 interviews and by the end of the week I had several job offers. I have been working constantly since graduation, even in this so called slow time in the industry. Anyone who can not succeed in the industry after getting the basic foundation of information provided from CAM is either simply not applying themselves or are waiting for something to be handed to them. As I stated earlier; some people will work harder to fail than to succeed. If you haven't made it yet, carve your own path. There is an old attage that states... it is a poor carpenter who blames his tools for a failed job.