Unethical Collections Tactics
During the 2006 recession I got a chronic disease and had no job for several years. My prescriptions were out of pocket at $1000.00 per...Everything I read online back then said to just let the credit card debt go and it will drop off your credit report in seven years. I did that and I suffered with low-paying jobs and bad living situations. The neighborhood I lived in once out of a family member's house was horrible. I was robbed and people sold drugs in the alley behind my apartment. Nowhere did I read that this corrupt company was going to do what? Purchase my old debt for pennies on the dollar and then not serve papers properly? I was never served but my bank account was levied. I'm not saying how they did it was illegal but it was definitely unethical. Had I had my day in court I feel I would have been able to grant some kind of leniency from a judge. The amount now due is double what I actually owed on my credit cards. Combined with a high turnover rate in the sales/collections department, I now deal with people who seemingly cannot keep good conversation notes.